What is PCOS
PCOS: Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common condition found in women.
Typical features of PCOS are:
1) Irregular periods/menses: this is due to abnormality in the follicle formation and the egg release process, that is most women with PCOS do not ovulate regularly.
2) Excess facial/body hair or acne: this is due to excess male hormone or androgens in the body.
3) Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound: enlarged ovaries with too many fluid filled sacs (follicles). But there are no true cysts in the ovary- contrary to the name PCOS.
If you have 2 or more of the above 3 features, you may be suffering from PCOS.
Other symptoms seen in PCOS patients:
- inability to conceive or get pregnant
- hair loss/ thinning
- weight gain
- increased risk of long term health
problems like diabetes, high cholesterol
Why does PCOS occur?
- Genetic and environmental factors
- May run in families
- Being overweight or obese increases the risk
- excess of hormone insulin due to resistance to action of insulin on body tissues.
- excess male hormone results due to excess insulin and LH