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19, Dec

Endometriosis and Infertility

Endometriosis is a disease in which the endometrial(inner lining of the womb) is found outside the womb/uterus. 
It is found in 6-10 percent of the general female population, and in about 25-50 percent of patients with infertility. 

Symptoms: Typically, patients have dysmenorrhoea(painful periods), dyspareunia(painful intercourse) and long standing pelvic pain, infertility.

Endometriosis is associated with infertility/ inability to achieve a pregnancy, because: 
- the endometriotic deposits may lead to scarring, adhesions, inflammation. 
-This leads to impaired pick up of the egg into the tube, as the tubal anatomy/ tubo- ovarian relationship may get distorted. 
-Also there may be disturbances in the egg formation/ folliculogenesis and  ovulation/egg release process. 
- Oocyte quality may be lesser
-Also the endometrium/ inner womb lining is rendered less receptive to the implantation process.
 Hence, these factors may lead to impaired fertility. 
If you have been diagnosed with endometriosis or you have symptoms of endometriosis,  you should not delay your plans of having a pregnancy.
Get consultation with a Fertility Specialist to help you guide further.